Biomass is what connects all life, Biodiversity signifies its strength and beauty.

-Dr. Ranil Senanayake

We invite you to join us to realize the value of this biodiversity as tokenized credits.


Replicable solutions for optimizing the restoration of Biodiversity & Biomass of our planet

Imagine a world where environmental restoration and financial gain go hand-in-hand. That’s the vision behind AQUAE LABS, a real time transformative collaboration between AQUAE IMPACT EXCHANGE CO.L.LC and Earth Restoration Pvt. Ltd. We’re not just restoring the planet; we’re digitizing a natural assets and transacting values to the Global Commons using Web3.

Shared Vision for Sustainability

Climate change and environmental degradation are real threats faced by quite a majority of communities worldwide. There is a huge opportunity – cost to consider in the context of such impacts, therefore AQUAE LABS combines financial expertise with sustainable farming and environmental restoration methodologies to tackle ongoing environmental as well as economic opportunity – costs head on. Our mission is to create a healthier planet while fostering greater societal well-being by validating living components of biomass and biodiversity in order to sustain a natural cascade of ecosystem services productivity over time.

AQUAE LABS is an objective research initiative dedicated to advancing sustainable farming practices and environmental restoration, as well as conservation practices such as Analog Forestry, Agroforestry and Permaculture. Our products and services are based on evaluating the ecosystem services and productivity of the living components of biomass and biodiversity of these regenerative agricultural approaches as a guaranteed asset in order to bridge the financial capital required to restore the planet’s life support system.

Analog Forestry focuses on creating diverse, resilient, and productive forest ecosystems that mimic natural forests. It emphasizes the use of native species and promotes ecological restoration while supporting local communities.

Agroforestry integrates trees and shrubs into agricultural systems, offering multiple benefits such as improved soil fertility, enhanced biodiversity, increased resilience to climate change, and additional income streams for farmers.

Permaculture, on the other hand, is a design approach that aims to create sustainable human habitats by mimicking patterns and relationships found in nature. It emphasizes principles such as observation, diversity, and maximizing beneficial connections between elements within a system.

Shared Vision for Sustainability

AQUAE LABS is an objective research initiative dedicated to advancing sustainable farming practices and environmental conservation by bridging the financial capital that is required to restore the planet’s life support system through proof-of-work digitized smart-contracts which can be replicated bio-regionally. We bridge the gap between the financial resources needed for restoration and the communities working tirelessly on the ground.

Analog Forestry, Agroforestry, and Permaculture are all innovative approaches to sustainable land management and biodiversity conservation.

Analog Forestry focuses on creating diverse, resilient, and productive forest ecosystems that mimic natural forests. It emphasizes the use of native species and promotes ecological restoration while supporting local communities.

Agroforestry integrates trees and shrubs into agricultural systems, offering multiple benefits such as improved soil fertility, enhanced biodiversity, increased resilience to climate change, and additional income streams for farmers.

Permaculture, on the other hand, is a design approach that aims to create sustainable human habitats by mimicking patterns and relationships found in nature. It emphasizes principles such as observation, diversity, and maximizing beneficial connections between elements within a system.

These three approaches offer holistic solutions for addressing environmental challenges while promoting sustainable livelihoods and enhancing ecosystem health.

AQUAE LABS’s commitment to farmland development monitors, records, and validates (MRV) proof-of-work based outcomes by setting replicable guidelines that moderate payments for ecosystem services (PES) to the farming communities. Through innovative solutions powered by Web3 and data-driven insights, we turn environmental action into measurable outcomes.

AQUAE LABS Functions

AQUAE LABS will focus on directing outcomes from primary research and ground level demonstration initiatives that overlap fields of regenerative finance with environmental restoration & conservation, while integrating Web3 supported IoTs to Monitor Record and Validate these data. The research outcomes at our demonstration sites can be traced and replicated to finance practical applications that support our networks of farmers and landowners to benefit from these current investment opportunities in the face of climate impacts and environmental degradation.

AQUAE LABS’s commitment to farmland development monitors, records, and validates (MRV) proof-of-work based outcomes by setting replicable guidelines that moderate payments for ecosystem services (PES) to the farming communities. Through innovative solutions powered by Web3 and data-driven insights, we turn environmental action into measurable outcomes.

Measuring the Impacts

The highest end of our developments aggregate the values of Biomass, Biodiversity and specific Ecosystem Services, such as the products of Photosynthesis. Land parcels are compared based on a score system using a first of its kind ; The AQUAE LABS’s Ecosystems Credit Index (ALECI) is a methodological approach for comparing and layering the Biodiversity and Biomass value of one land area against another allows investors to interact with the mission of scaling these impacts to a broader base of farmland ecosystems. The ALECI is a web3 based farmland management ecosystem that offers investors a guarantee on the proof-of-work and traceability for each credit as well as payments made for ecosystem services.

How we measure Biomass, Biodiversity, and Primary Ecosystem Services

The unique Aquae Labs Ecosystems Credit Index (ALECI) offers landowners a portfolio of Flora and Fauna, based on the taxa that have been validated at the ground level. From birds, mammals, amphibians, reptiles to invertebrates as well as a range of plant biomass is validated to each ALECI portfolio as well as the Primary Ecosystem Services of photosynthesis that Captures Carbon, Produces Oxygen and purifies ground water back into the atmosphere.

Who We Are

We are a collective of dedicated individuals deeply invested in the restoration of our planet. With a passion for environmental stewardship, we bring together expertise from diverse fields to drive meaningful change.

We Unite For


We see a world where environmental restoration generates financial gain, a world where the value of ecosystem services contributes to the wealth generated. A world where Biodiversity and Biomass become economic drivers.

(It is our vision to create an economic system that correlates wealth with the health of a sustainable planet for all of its biodiversity)


It is our mission to empower farmers and landowners to participate in environmental restoration processes with high B:B ratios and more adaptive resilient ecosystem areas such as Analog Forests/Agro-forests/ and permaculture systems that promote natural Landcare management methods through the use of web3 technologies that guarantee living assets into emerging new digital markets.

We Unite For


It is our vision to create an economic system that correlates wealth with the health of a sustainable planet for all of its biodiversity.


It is our vision to empower farmers and landowners develop more adaptive resilient ecosystem areas such as Analog Forests/Agro-forests/ and permaculture systems that promote natural Landcare management methods through the use of web3 technologies that guarantee living assets into emerging new digital markets.

What We Do

Ecosystem Restoration & Consultancy

Aquae Labs offers comprehensive time tested ecological interventions that are data-driven and coupled with creative designs that accelerate ecosystem restoration and can provision an additional layer of income for conservation efforts. AQUAE LABS has the capacity to design improved biodiversity management within anthropogenic (urban / peri urban / rural ) landscapes, recognizing significant opportunities for managing landscape features and ecological connectivity.

- Watershed management services are based on our unique environmental impact assessment (EIA) that can help project developers both regional and global to understand and evaluate the financial opportunity-cost of various land management practices using our products and services.

- Coral genes conservation

For Urban areas

Our city-focused services design living landscapes such as living plant arrangements for ambient cooling / urban tree features / as well as urban habitat features / while urging the adoption of science-based targets using emerging markets for biodiversity and primary ecosystem services such as Oxygen.

Biomass Credits​

We have pioneered using a formulaic approach to evaluating plant biomass values across various stages of ecosystem maturity, paving the way for sustainable and regenerative biomass management practices.

- Physiognomic Formula is used to assess the level of plant structures and their maturity.

Biodiversity Credits​

Aquae Labs Biodiversity credits and MRV tool quantifies biodiversity values across taxa for ecosystem diversity as well as to plan for stages of ecosystem maturity.

Our services offer

- Foundational Credits for conserving existing biodiversity

- Aspirational credits

Primary Ecosystem Services Credits

Aquae Labs has initiated a very unique and objective measure of Primary Ecosystem Services to bring to market the global first Oxygen economy, along side other ecosystem services of Photosynthesis such as Carbon capture and ground water purification, these specific smart-contracts for tree establishment unlock marketable financial values for Carbon Capture, Oxygen production, and ground water purification using specific algorithms based on what species of plant is being measured and validated.

Climate Science Education

We are committed to empowering individuals and communities with the knowledge and tools needed to understand and address climate change effectively. We focus on the following modules to help practitioners on the ground to understand

- The latest in climate science

- Threats to our Global Commons

- The Primary Ecosystem Services

- Analog Forestry

- Positive externalities of environmental restoration

Why Are We Here

Climate changes and environmental degradation stands as the most critical challenge of our era. As both businesses and society mobilize to curb global warming and embrace wider sustainability initiatives, a fresh business landscape is unfolding. This presents a chance for companies to be competitive and realize SDG and ESG value in a future characterized by low carbon emissions and restorative practices. Every sector of the economy must find a capacity to undertake significant transformative measures to mitigate climate change. Moreover, there’s a growing societal expectation for businesses to actively address major issues in this era the IPCC HAS DEEMED A ‘CODE RED’ FOR HUMANITY. The emergence of initiatives like AQUAE LABS offers businesses vast opportunities to contribute to solving global challenges, while also fostering growth and profitability.


Covers all actions to safeguard the environment,

which involve managing

1. Greenhouse gas emissions

2. Water and other natural resources

3. Waste and hazardous materials

4. Biodiversity

5. Circular economy

6. Energy transition


Encompasses actions aimed at fostering

social progress, including

1. Health and safety

2. Labor practices

3. Equality, diversity, and inclusion

4. Interests of internal and external stakeholders

5. Human rights


Addresses business ethics with an investor focus,

encompassing measures such as

1. Ethical competitive behavior

2. Systematic risk management

3. ESG linkage to executive incentives and


4. Risk management, transparency, and reporting

AquaeLabs is here to represent solutions for what pressures industrial businesses face in order to operate and thrive amidst climate and environmental challenges. We believe these businesses must adopt comprehensive strategies that encompass Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) alongside evolving Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) transactions related to farmland and environmental degradation. SDGs and ESG factors are pivotal in shaping a company’s sustainable growth and managing environmental and social risks effectively in any bioregion.

Biodiversity, Biomass & Oxygen credits

Providing Quality Assurance For Corporate Investment In Nature

What makes us special ?

1. The primary component of high quality biodiversity credit is a valid index that can be replicated in any bio region.

2. The second and as important component is how we design good governance and transparent digital smart- contracts to monitor record and validate (MRV) specific measures of biodiversity.

3. We evaluate the potential biodiversity return on investment for foundational as well as aspirational biodiversity credits using the ALECI system.

4. We establish due diligence frameworks to mitigate biodiversity loss risks and optimize net biodiversity gains rooted in practical science as well as cultural identity.

5. As pioneers in validating guaranteed biodiversity credits our standard is designed to be utilized as a trusted financial instrument to bridge new markets such as emerging Biodiversity & Oxygen economies.

AQUAE LABS Corporate Training Solutions

Our boardroom training solutions are crafted to equip business teams and special interest groups focussed on creating positive environmental and social impacts with essential knowledge required to assess the opportunity cost and risk management of deforestation, urban development, as well as to aid in the restoration of Biodiversity and Biomass in anthropogenic landscapes as an aligned ESG practices.

Our field training equip special interest groups with the practical skills and knowledge on how to increase ecosystem services production across the project lifecycle and enhance the sustainability of sustainable farming and ecosystem restoration interventions globally.

For Government, Metropolis & NGO's

AQUAE LABS collaboration with government and civil society centers on embedding biodiversity as fiscal policy formulation, conducting technical research on key biodiversity Indices, and crafting best practice guidelines for managing nature’s opportunity – cost in the region. Situated at the intersection of industry, governance, and conservation science, we’re uniquely positioned to foster the creation of pragmatic yet scientifically rigorous assessments and tools that can demonstrate human behavioral changes that are positive for sustainable development.


Our unique environmental impact assessments (EIA) can help project developers both regional and global to understand and evaluate the financial opportunity-cost of various land management practices using our products and services.

Aquae Labs Integrated Farm Planning Services

1) Mapping : Landscape Topology / Google Earth / GIS2) Governance and due diligence frameworks to support credit schemes with ESG and SDG objectives.

Biodiversity Credit Portfolio

1) Transition Natural assets to digital assets that are guaranteed and insured by Big8 financial corporations.

2) End - to - End issue of ALECI tokens for your natural farming or ecosystem restoration project.

For companies seeking to make nature positive investments

1) Invest in high Quality Biodiversity credits that are valued and insured by top 8.

2) Governance and due diligence frameworks to support credit schemes with ESG and SDG objectives.

For conservation and restoration of nature

1) Replicable MRV protocols for bridging investment opportunities .

2) Analog Forestry,

Why Partner With Us?

AQUAE LABS stands as a leader in the intersection of business and biodiversity. Our pragmatic, science-based, and rigorous approach has enabled us to address intricate challenges related to the natural environment and its interaction with the financial world, while delivering practical sustainability solutions for humans and the planet.

We demonstrate tangible opportunities for achieving impactful results by participating in real-world case studies across the globe & validate bankable and insured assets backed by Biodiversity and sustainable Ecosystem Services production

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